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June 1999 One-Page CV

J. Bradford DeLong

Professor of Economics, 601 Evans Hall
University of California at Berkeley
Berkeley, CA 94720-3880

phone: (510) 643-4027
fax: (510) 642-6615

Last updated: June 1999


Ph. D., Department of Economics, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA (June 1987).

B. A. summa cum laude, Committee on Degrees in Social Studies, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA (June 1982).


Professor, Department of Economics, University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, CA (July 1997-present).

Co-Editor, Journal of Economic Perspectives (April 1996-present).

Deputy Assistant Secretary for Economic Policy, United States Department of the Treasury, Washington, DC (April 1993-May 1995).

Research Associate, National Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge, MA (October 1995-present).

Visiting Scholar, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, San Francisco, CA (September 1995-present).

Articles and Other Writings Frequently Cited:

J. Bradford DeLong and A. Michael Froomkin, "The Next Economy?" in Deborah Hurley and Hal Varian, eds., Internet Publishing and Beyond: The Economics of Digital Information and Intellectual Property (Cambridge: M.I.T. Press, forthcoming). For a Harvard conference on the Digital Economy, January 1997.

J. Bradford DeLong, "Crash and Learn," The Washington Post, February 12, 1998.

J. Bradford DeLong, "The Budget Deficit," Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco

J. Bradford DeLong, "America's Peacetime Inflation: The 1970s," in Christina Romer and David Romer. eds., Reducing Inflation: Motivation and Strategy (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1997). For an NBER conference on managing low inflation, January 1996.

J. Bradford DeLong, "Keynesianism, Pennsylvania-Avenue Style: Some Economic Consequences of the 1946 Employment Act," Journal of Economic Perspectives 10:3 (Summer 1996), pp. 41-53.

J. Bradford DeLong, Christopher L. DeLong, and Sherman Robinson, "In Defense of Mexico's Rescue", Foreign Affairs 75:3 (May/June 1996), pp. 8-14.

J. Bradford DeLong, "Ontological Breakdown", in Adam Engst et al., eds., TidBITS #291, August 21, 1995 (INTERNET: pages/ TidBITS/ TidBITS.html).

J. Bradford DeLong and Barry Eichengreen (1993), "The Marshall Plan: History's Most Successful Structural Adjustment Programme," in RĂ¼diger Dornbusch, Wilhelm Nölling, and Richard Layard, eds., Postwar Economic Reconstruction and Lessons for the East Today (Cambridge, MA: M.I.T. Press, 1993), pp. 189-230.

J. Bradford DeLong and Andrei Shleifer, "Princes and Merchants: City Growth Before the Industrial Revolution," Journal of Law and Economics 36 (October 1993), pp. 671-702. (.html version.)

J. Bradford DeLong, "Did J. P. Morgan's Men Add Value?: An Economist's Perspective on Financial Capitalism," in Peter Temin, ed., Inside the Business Enterprise: Historical Perspectives on the Use of Information (Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press for NBER, 1991), pp. 205-36.

J. Bradford DeLong and Lawrence H. Summers, "Equipment Investment and Economic Growth," Quarterly Journal of Economics 106: 2 (May 1991), pp. 445-502.

J. Bradford DeLong, Andrei Shleifer, Lawrence H. Summers, and Robert J. Waldmann, "Noise Trader Risk in Financial Markets," Journal of Political Economy 98: 4 (August 1990), pp. 703-738. (Earlier and substantially different version issued as NBER working paper no. 2395, October 1987; reprinted in Richard H. Thaler, ed., Advances in Behavioral Finance (New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 1993).)

Robert B. Barsky and J. Bradford DeLong, "Bull and Bear Markets in the Twentieth Century," Journal of Economic History 50: 2 (June 1990), pp. 1-17.

J. Bradford DeLong, "Productivity Growth, Convergence, and Welfare: Comment," American Economic Review 78: 5 (December 1988), pp. 1138-1154.

J. Bradford DeLong and Lawrence H. Summers, "Is Increased Price Flexibility Stabilizing?" American Economic Review 76: 5 (December 1986), pp. 1031-1044.

J. Bradford DeLong (1999), "Seeing One's Intellectual Roots: A Review Essay on James Scott's Seeing Like a State"

J. Bradford DeLong (1999), "Seeing One's Intellectual Roots: A Review Essay on James Scott's Seeing Like a State," Review of Austrian Economics 12:2, pp. 257-64.