Economics 101b Lecture: September 19: Introduction to the Full-Employment Business-Cycle Model
Economics 101b: September 23: Lecture: CANCELED

Economics 101b Lecture: September 21 Equilibrium in the Flexible-Price Full-Employment Business-Cycle Model

September 21: Lecture: Equilibrium in the Flexible-Price Full-Employment Business-Cycle Model

Full-Employment Equilibrium

  • Flexible prices and full employment
  • Look at the flow of funds through financial markets to understand what's going on
    • Equilibrium prices: the real interest rate r and the exchange rate e
    • The circular flow principle: balance in the flow of funds through financial markets means balance in the sense of aggregate demand equals output
    • We could also look at the flow of purchasing power for output in the "goods market"--but that is less transparent
    • Savings = Investment
      • The real interest rate adjusts to make the flow of funds balance...
    • What things depend on the real interest rate?
      • Exports (indirectly through the exchange rate)
      • Investment

Using the Model: Examples

  • Changes in saving
    • Household saving
    • Government saving (the deficit)
    • Foreign saving
  • Changes in business demand for funds for investment
  • More examples...