Lecture: October 7: Optional: The Money Market and the LM Curve
Lecture: October 12: Stabilization Policy and Expectations: Extensions

Lecture: October 10: The Phillips Curve, Expectations, and Monetary Policy

  • The Phillips curve, expectations, and monetary policy

    • Aggregate supply and the Phillip curve
      • Unemployment
        • Unemployment and Okun's Law
        • (Y - Y)/Y = 2.5(u* - u)
        • Where Y* is potential output and u* is the "natural" rate of unemployment
        • Costs of high unemployment
      • Aggregate supply
        • The modern Phillips curve: π = πe - B(u - u*) + S
        • Where: π is the inflation rate, πe is expected inflation, u* is the natural rate of unemployment, and S is a supply-shock term.
        • What is expected inflation? We will deal with that later...
        • When unemployment is at its natural rate u*, inflation is at its expected value πe, and vice versa
    • Monetary policy, aggregate demand, and inflation
      • Think of the Federal Reserve choosing three numbers--a "normal" level of unemployment, a target level of inflation, and a degree of aggressiveness in response to deviations of inflation from the target--as follows:
      • The Federal Reserve chooses a value of the interest rate r
        • (A gross shortcut, but let's make it)
      • When the Federal Reserve's choice of the interest rate r is at its normal value, then we go to the IS curve:
        • Y = A0/[1-MPE] - (Ir + Xeer)/[1-MPE]
          • Where A0 = C0 + I0 + G + XfYf + Xee0 + Xeerrf
        • And find that Y is at some value Y0, and thus that the unemployment rate is at value u0--what the Federal Reserve thinks is the "normal" value of the unemployment rate
          • This should be, but may not be, the natural rate of unemployment u*
      • When inflation is higher than the Federal Reserve's desired target value πT, the Federal Reserve gets nervous and pushes interest rates up--pushing investment and exports down, pushing output down, and pushing unemployment up above u0
      • When inflation is higher than the Federal Reserve's desired target value πT, the Federal Reserve gets nervous and pushes interest rates down--pushing investment and exports up, pushing output up, and pushing unemployment down below u0
      • We model this with John Taylor's Monetary Policy Reaction Function (MPFRDF):
        • u = u0 + o(π - πT)
    • Equilibrium
      • We have:
        • u = u0 + o(π - πT)
        • π = πe - B(u - u*) + S
      • And thus:
        • π = πe/(1+Bo) + πT/(1+Bo) - B(u0 - u*)/(1+Bo) + S/(1+Bo)
      • Give us a rule for understanding how inflation expectations are formed, and we will be done.
  • Inflation expectations

    • Three kinds:
      • Static
      • Adaptive
      • Rational
    • Static inflation expectations
      • Will exist only if fluctuations in inflation are small
      • Produces an economy that moves back and forth along a stable downward-sloping Phillips curve
        • π = πe/(1+Bo) + (Bo)πT/(1+Bo) - B(u0 - u*)/(1+Bo) + S/(1+Bo)
        • u = u0 + o(π - πT)
      • With static expectations, only the sticky-price model is relevant
      • The U.S. in the 1950s and 1960s
    • Rational inflation expectations
      • Will exist in a sophisticated economy if the variation in government policy and in inflation is large
      • Produces an economy with a vertical Phillips curve (except for supply shocks): unemployment = u* plus supply-shock terms; changes in government policy and in the economic environment affect the rate of inflation only
      • π = πT - (u0 - u*)/o + S/(Bo)
      • Mitterand 1981
      • Only the flexible price model is relevant
    • Adaptive inflation expectations
      • Exponential convergence
        • t - (πT - (u0 - u*)/o)] = (1/(1+Bo))[πt-1 - (πT - (u0 - u*)/o)]
  • The natural rate of unemployment

    • Natural rate vs. NAIRU
    • Demography
    • Institutions
    • Productivity growth
    • Past unemployment rates