The Bush Who Stole Fitzmas
I disclaim all responsibility for this:
They'd stand hand-in-hand. And the Aides would start singing!
They'd sing! And they'd sing!
And the more the Bush thought of the Aides' Fitzmas Sing
The more the Bush thought, "I must stop this whole thing!
I MUST stop Fitzmas from coming!
...But HOW?"
Then he got an idea!
An awful idea!
GOT A WONDERFUL, AWFUL IDEA!...New York Daily News - News & Views - Bushies take aim at probe: BY KENNETH R. BAZINET: President Bush's damage-control handlers are plotting a sophisticated war room offensive to fight back against possible indictments in the CIA leak probe.... Team Bush was finalizing its campaign to discredit and undermine special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald's conclusions, sources told the Daily News. The White House strategy is counting on major help from GOP allies and neocon commentators who turned on Bush for naming Harriet Miers to the Supreme Court and are now looking for redemption with a miffed President.
An emerging theme in the Bush war room is arguing that his top political aide, Karl Rove, simply got tripped up on his recollections of whom he talked to and what he told them when questioned about the outing of CIA spy Valerie Plame. He shouldn't be indicted simply because of contradictory grand jury testimony, a source said.
Bush allies have already begun casting perjury and obstruction charges as irrelevant in a probe created to find out who leaked classified information.... Asked in 1999 about Clinton's impeachment by the House, Bush responded, "I would have voted for it."...