Imposter: How George W. Bush Bankrupted America...
Health Savings Accounts Once Again...

Strangers Converse in a Berkeley Elevator

Strangers Converse in a Berkeley Elevator:

Person #1: I'm getting into an elevator. I'm about to lose the connection...

Person #2: An elevator is an admirably effective Faraday cage.

Person #3: Somebody should make a cell phone that works inside a Faraday cage.

Person #1: But surely the laws of physics...

Person #4: It could work via gravitational radiation

Person #2: Two charged, mutually orbiting micro black holes within the cell phone casing...

Person #5: Surely the Hawking radiation would be too fierce?

Person #2: I dunno. How long is the lifespan of a 10 kg black hole, anyway?

Person #1: You'd carry around a 50 lb cell phone just so you could talk in elevators?
