"Snakes on a Plane!" Is Going to Be Even Better than "Red Dawn"!
Deborah Howell Hightails for the Border...

Unintentionally Hilarious Name Calling

The Washington Post's plan to discredit the right by giving airtime to Ben Domenech continues to be wildly successful--this time over what Ben calls his own "unintentionally hilarious name calling."

Ben Domenech writes now:

Red America: I'm happy that no one's engaged in any ridiculous hyperbole, unfounded accusations or unintentionally hilarious name-calling. We can all agree that such things lower the quality of debate on the Internet, play to the worst side of our knee-jerk partisan nature and have no place in the modern public square. I look forward to engaging you in a serious, respectful discussion on the issues that matter most to the future of our nation...

Ben Domenech writes then:

Red America: Democrats... the shrieking denizens of their increasingly extreme base...

|| RedState: Yeah... I just have this specific and deep-rooted dislike for everything Dan Froomkin says and does. He's one of the dozen or so people in the world that I just detest - along with Noam Chomsky, Eric Alterman, Louis Farrakhan, Barbra Streisand, Kate Michelman, Mitch Albom, Michael Irvin, David Duke, Peter Singer, and Rick Reilly...

|| RedState: I've just gotta say it: Dan Froomkin is without question a lying weasel-faced Democrat shill...

|| RedState: If one spends any amount of time reading the columns of washingtonpost.com's Dan Froomkin - whose status as leader of the hack is without compare - it's easy to realize that, on any given day, the cut and paste function has to be a tiring chore. Every day, it's use the same template, find a new reason to hate. "Bush is a liar because X." "The President is a fool because X." "The White House wants to kill your child's pet because X." Etc...

As "Your Logo Here" writes:

Your Logo Here: In his third installment... Ben Domenech does his best to convince us that he is amused by the firestorm created by his hiring, calling it an "impressive reaction."... Ben says:

I'm happy that no one's engaged in any ridiculous hyperbole, unfounded accusations or unintentionally hilarious name-calling. We can all agree that such things lower the quality of debate on the Internet, play to the worst side of our knee-jerk partisan nature and have no place in the modern public square.

By name-calling, does Ben mean calling Coretta Scott King a "communist"? Do statements such as "Al Gore can suck it" lower the quality of debate? Granted, regular readers know that I've done a good deal myself to lower the quality of debate. But the Post would never hire me because my father wasn't Jack Abramoff's man in Interior...
