Morning Coffee Videocast: Economic Journalism and Journalistic Economics
Economics of Publishing

A Morning Coffee Non-Videocast

From a mailing list that I know:

From: xxxxxx

Of course, I usually just drink instant coffee from one pint mug, taking water from hot water tap and warming the coffee up a bit in microwave after adding milk and some black molasses sugar. However, I am partial about instant coffee brand: I tried many, but it seems that Nestlé knows something that others don't. Classic gusto forte, Espresso and Cap Colombie are particularly good.

UGH ugh ugh ugh ptui must wash out mouth after reading! How could a post that started that way, have ended that way?

Oh, it gets worse. I've found that for those hard to resist MMM (Monday morning meetings) that a sprinkling from the handy jar of Nescafe sitting on the ledge in the shower mixes quite quickly in a small glass tea cup with the shower water. Awake in 5.

Friends have named this beverage 'mud'. Apologies.
