Why Oh Why Are We Ruled by These Liars?
Kudos to Walter Pincus

Scott Rosenberg Is Really Shrill

Morally bankrupt Bush:

Boing Boing: Bush's threat to veto stem cell funding is morally bankrupt: Scott Rosenberg of Salon has an excellent blog entry explaining why Bush's threat to veto federal funding of stem cell research is shamefully ridiculous.

Here is why Bush's position is a joke: Thousands and thousands of embryos are destroyed every year in fertility clinics. They are created in petri dishes as part of fertility treatments like IVF; then they are discarded. If Bush and his administration truly believe that destroying an embryo is a kind of murder, they shouldn't be wasting their time arguing about research funding: They should immediately shut down every fertility clinic in the country, arrest the doctors and staff who operate them, and charge all the wannabe parents who have been wantonly slaughtering legions of the unborn. But of course they'll never do such a thing. (Nor, to be absolutely clear, do I think they should.) Bush could not care less about this issue except as far as it helps burnish his pro-life credentials among his "base."
