Impeach Richard Cheney
Matthew Yeglesias watches "Meet the Press" and asks a question:
Matthew Yglesias / proudly eponymous since 2002: Breaking News: Dick Cheney is a Liar: Judd Legum:
On Friday, the Senate Intelligence Committee released a report that concluded there was no relationship between Saddam Hussein and Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. According to the report, "a CIA assessment in October 2005 concluded that Hussein's government 'did not have a relationship, harbor, or turn a blind eye toward Zarqawi and his associates.'" In fact, Hussein tried to capture Zarqawi.
This morning on Meet the Press, Cheney repeatedly cited Zarqawi as the link between pre-war Iraq and al-Qaeda. When Tim Russert mentioned the Senate Intelligence Committee report, Cheney said he "hadn't seen it."
What can you say? What can you do?
What can we say? That Richard Cheney should be impeached. What can we do? Impeach Richard Cheney. Impeach him now.
And fire Tim Russert for being an obsequious enabling toad as well.