Bookmarked at for 2007-03-02 Felix Salmon: Can someone please just take the Dow behind the shed and shoot it, already? It's an average, not an index, which makes it profoundly useless for measuring what stocks in general are doing. It comprises the grand total of 30 stocks, which mak (tags: 20070228 finance journamalism) Brad Setser: Why is China’s government trying so hard to hold down China’s current living standard? And investing so much of China's savings in depreciating assets? (tags: 20070228 grand_strategy China international_trade international_finance) Matthew Yglesias: The really noteworthy thing about the presidential election so far is the failure of a plain-vanilla conservative Republican to emerge. Bob Novak's column on this, however, also provides a hilarious window in the wingnutty worldview as h (tags: 20070301 journamalism politics) Bjorn Staerk: What Went Wrong? What we did was the opposite. At every level, from the lowliest blogger to the highest official, war supporters set up filters that protected them from facts they did not want to hear. We saw what we wanted to see, and if an (tags: 20070301 911 iraq politics terrorism war bushism journamalism) M.P.dunleavey: Cutting Back Without Deprivation (tags: 20070301 consumption moral_responsibility) Talking Points Memo: by Joshua Micah Marshall: moment. The relevant point is that from 1994 to 2002 the North Korean nuclear weapons program was frozen in place. The strong consensus judgment was that they had not yet made any nuclear weapons. And they could not access the plutonium they had already p (tags: 20070301 proliferation nuclear_weapons north_korea bushisms grand_strategy utter_stupidity) Robin Moroney: Who Benefits From Globalization? (tags: 20070301 globalization protectionism social_democracy grand_strategy) The 400 Richest Americans - (tags: 20070301 Gilded_Age inequality economics) Bradford Plumer: Jared Bernstein goes before Congress and points out that real median wages have stagnated since 2000, even though productivity has been rising. A wee problem, you might say. Bernstein blames the Federal Reserve, for trying to stabilize un (tags: 20070301 federal_reserve unemployment monetary_policy economics) David Sanger and William Broad: U.S. Had Doubts on North Korean Uranium Drive (tags: 20070301 bushisms north_korea proliferation grand_strategy utter_stupidity) Mark Thoma points us to the excellent Deborah Solomon: Economist's View: Holes in the Safety Net (tags: 20070301 safety_net social_democracy economics international_trade) Mark Thoma points us to Chris Carroll: Economist's View: Enough is Not Enough: Why do the super-rich keep accumulating wealth when they already have more than they or their heirs can ever spend? (tags: 20070301 satiation behavioral_economics economics inequality accumulation) Larry Summers: Economists' Forum: History holds lessons for China and its partners (tags: 20070301 international_finance international_trade economics globalization politics political_economy) Felix Salmon: What does yesterday's money buy today? (tags: 20070301 economic_growth prices iraq) Dymaxion World: "Worse than you can imagine, even after recalling that they're worse than you can imagine." THIS IS IMPORTANT: Basically, out of a fit of madness, the Bush administration abandoned a non-proliferation regime that was working (the Agreed Fr (tags: 20070301 north_korea bushisms utter_stupidity proliferation) Impeach George W. Bush Now! Robert Farley: MORONS. WE HAVE MORONS ON OUR TEAM. I don't have much to add to the very good analysis that Hilzoy and Josh Marshall give on the North Korea uranium situation. There have been questions floating around about the (tags: 20070301 utter_stupidity bushisms north_korea proliferation) Edward Copeland: Women Writing About Money (tags: 20070301 book books economics economic_history) Patrick Nielsen Hayden: Underrated Bloggers of Our Times (#2 in a series): Hilzoy, of Obsidian Wings: "Violence is not a way of getting where you want to go, only more quickly. Its existence changes your destination. If you use it, you had better be prepa (tags: 20070301 weblogs moral_responsibility moral_philosophy grand_strategy iraq bushisms utter_stupidity) Robert Kuttner: Assuming that most [newspaper] dailies survive the transition, my guess is that in twenty-five years they will be mostly digital; that even people like me of the pre-Internet generation will be largely won over by ingenious devices like Ti (tags: 20070301 journalism journamalism internet web weblogs)