Bookmarked at for 2007-03-16 H-DIPLO Roundtable: Robert Beisner. Dean Acheson: A Life in the Cold War. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2006. (tags: 20070315 history grand_strategy moral_responsibility cold_war) Macaque II: Branch-to-Branch Leaping Day: Former Sen. George Allen (R-VA) ‘will host a private dinner’ to ‘discuss whether to seek’ Sen. John Warner’s (R-VA) seat should he decide to retire, the Washington Times reports. (tags: 20070315 politics funny Republicans) Matthew Yglesias: Murray Waas for National Journal: ""Shortly before Attorney General Alberto Gonzales advised President Bush last year on whether to shut down a Justice Department inquiry regarding the administration's warrantless domestic eavesdropping (tags: 20070315 bushisms) Scott Horton: I got an early, very deep look into the heart of the Bush Administration. I was shocked at what I saw and at first didn't trust my own eyes and ears. That disinclination to believe what we directly observe is almost always a mistake, sometim (tags: 20070315 politics bushisms moral_responsibility utter_stupidity) Giovanni Peri: Immigrants' Complementarities and Native Wages: Evidence from California (tags: 2070315 labor immigration economics)