links for 2007-04-24 The Daily Background: Katie Couric: Double plagiarism at CBS News: If Katie Couric weren't already passing off others' writings as her personal journal, she wouldn't have been able to plagiarize from the WSJ (tags: 20070423 journamalism) Drink-Soaked Trotskyist Popinjays Are Shrill!: Christopher Hitchens: Holiday in Iraq: Politics & Power (tags: 20070423 journamalism iraq kurdistan bushisms impeach_george_w_bush_now impeachment) Eckholm: In Turnabout, Infant Deaths Climb in South (tags: 20070423 Republicans HDI Medicaid health_economics health_policy) Journamalism: The Times's Adam Nagourney offers up a mea culpa of sorts for his role in helping give widespread currency to the schoolyard taunt (tags: 20070423 politics journamalism) Daily Kos: Journamalism Watch: Joe Klein's editor, call Joe Klein! Klein says his column was: "chronologically incorrent but substantively correct" (tags: 20070423 journamalism)