links for 2007-04-27 Paul Kiel: Yet another questionable prosecution brought by U.S. Attorney for Milwaukee Steve Biskupic has been reversed by an appeals court. This time, it was one of the voter fraud prosecutions Biskupic's office pushed, as part of a joint task force his (tags: 20070425 impeach_george_w_bush_now impeachment) David Ignatius:Now, say what you like about Gonzales, but only a visitor from another planet would describe as "very candid" the responses of a man who, by one count, repeated 64 times during his testimony the phrase "I don't know" and similar variants. I (tags: 20070425 bushisms impeach_george_w_bush_now impeachment journamalism) Firedoglake: Steno Sue Strikes Again: Glenn Greenwald has a very good post up today that recounts the travesy of the Jessica Lynch reporting done by Steno Sue Schmidt, the woman who also brought Whitewater to the front page of the Washington Post. It's u (tags: 20070425 iraq journamalism) Bob Bateman on the Washington Times: We have been at war for more than five complete years. Thousands have died and hundreds of thousands have "Seen the Elephant." Yet after all that time, and human experience, how does a piece of fluff with the title, "L (tags: 20070525 journamalism iraq) The Prize in the Game, by Jo Walton (tags: 20070425 books science_fiction) Jo Walton: The Rebirth of Pan (tags: 20070425 books science_fiction)