links for 2007-04-30 Bill Moyers Journal . Watch & Listen | PBS (tags: 20070428 Iraq impeach_george_w_bush_now impeachment Moyers) A few nights after he resigned his post as secretary of state two years ago, Colin L. Powell answered a ring at his front door. Standing outside was Prince Bandar, then Saudi Arabia’s ambassador to the United States, with a 1995 Jaguar. Mr. Powell’s w (tags: 20070429 bushisms middle_east corruption impeach_george_w_bush_now impeachment) On Friday, Ross broke the news that U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Randall Tobias had frequented the escort service. Ross added new details to that story tonight, recounting how he asked Tobias in a telephone interview “if he knew any of the young women (tags: 20070429 utter_stupidity impeach_george_w_bush_now impeachment Republican politics law) Transit officials trying to find work-arounds: I80-I580/24 (tags: 20070429 oakland transport) I80 to I580 (tags: 20070429 oakland transport) Danger Room - Wired Blogs: Note to Condi [Rice]: it's 2007 and there's no Soviet Union. (tags: 20070429 bushisms)