links for 2007-04-10 Jason Calacanis: Sam Zell is going to lose billions on newspapers and the Washington Post has no idea what they're talking about. (tags: 20070408 journalism media news internet journamalism calacanis zell washington post) The Grand Inquisitor (tags: 20070408 dostoevsky grand inquisitor moral_philosophy books art literature philosophy politics religion) John Podhoretz: What if the tactical mistake we made in Iraq was that we didn't kill enough Sunnis in the early going to intimidate them and make them so afraid of us they would go along with anything? Wasn't the survival of Sunni men between the ages of (tags: 20070408 moral_responsibility Israel Lebanon politics war Podhoretz) Mark Kleiman: Rudy the Clueless, nuclear division (tags: 20070409 giuliani Republicans politics nuclear weapons nonproliferation iraq korea utter_stupidity) Paul Kiel: Now, remember that the whole logic for the surge was to provide stability in Baghdad so that the government could have some breathing room. But as the Times makes clear, there's nothing mixed about the political progress: there's been none. Mea (tags: 20070409 iraq bushisms surge Petraeus impeach_george_w_bush_now impeachment) Matthew Yglesias: I don't have much to say about the merits of Ken Baer's Syria-related Pelosi-bashing other than to note that the injunction to "put aside the argument over whether or not it’s good policy for us to talk with Syria" doesn't make much se (tags: 20070409 politics) Corrupt Republican U.S. Attorney Watch: The Chicago-based United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit seemed shocked by the injustice of her conviction. It took the extraordinary step of releasing Ms. Thompson from prison immediately after hear (tags: 20070409 impeach_george_w_bush_now impeachment)