Politico Plagued by Rookie Mistakes!
Roger Simon attacks John Edwards for praying as a Christian:
What was missing from Edwards' prayer - Politico.com: Does John Edwards include Jews in his prayers? Or Muslims? Or Hindus? Or any other non-Christians? He didn’t the other day. The other day, in order to commemorate those killed at Virginia Tech, Edwards led a prayer “in Christ’s name” at Ryman Auditorium, which bills itself as “Nashville’s Premier Performance Hall.”
Edwards has a perfect right to pray publicly or privately any way he wants to. But people who are not Christians often feel left out of prayers like his. And if prayers are supposed to comfort, I wonder how comforted the loved ones of Liviu Librescu felt. Librescu, a professor at Virginia Tech, was gunned down after barricading the doorway of his classroom so his students could escape out the windows. Librescu was a Holocaust survivor, a Jew, and not addressed by Edwards’ prayer.
I went down the list of the other victims and I saw students whose hometowns were listed as being in Indonesia, India and Egypt. And it is quite possible they may have been Hindus or Muslims or a number of other non-Christian religions. Edwards probably did not know the religions of those killed at Virginia Tech when he gave his prayer, but isn’t that the point? Why not include all religions in your prayers?...
Mr. Simon seems not to know that prayers must be addressed to a god in whom one believes: a prayer to a God in whom one does not believe is the ultimate in insincerity.