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Brookings Announces New Editors for Brookings Papers on Economic Activity

National Review Says What It Thinks of the Wall Street Journal Editorial Page

Everything we liberals have been saying about the spectacularly hackish Wall Street Journal editorial page? Finally, National Review agrees: so much smug rich-guy arrogance... blithe indifference to actual human nature... "arrogant elites"... out in the open, brazen and unashamed... dubious factual assertions... mischaracterize... our views... hostile and insulting... [we need] to correct the record because you and Bob Novak and other friends are suggesting otherwise...

Exactly. What we have been saying for more than thirty years. Glad to finally have it confirmed.

Here are three longer clips:

The Corner on National Review Online: the Wall Street Journal editorial conference.... I was...  well, no, not foaming at the mouth, but gaping in wonder at such a concentration of smug rich-guy arrogance on display all in one place. What color is the sky in these guys' world?... [As far as] blithe indifference to actual human nature, but Gigot & Co. take the biscuit.  It's pretty routine now to mock the WSJ editorial crowd for believing that there is no such thing as a nation, only an economy.  Well, there it is.  You saw it.  That is what they actually, literally believe.  We kick around phrases like "arrogant elites" pretty carelessly, but here they are, out in the open, brazen and unashamed...

Stephen Moore's assertion that we are "foaming at the mouth"... isn't worth taking seriously. Rather, it's Gigot's judgment that the bill is in serious trouble. The Journal-ists... make some dubious factual assertions and mischaracterize some of our views...

I do wish the Wall Street Journal wasn't so hostile and insulting when talking about us and immigration.... We don't want legal immigration, WSJ editors explain at their editorial meeting (link is on the opinionjournal site). Yes, out with the Lopezes and Ponnurus and O'Beirnes and O'Sullivans and... immigration is what's wrong with America. Mark Levin points out, defensively, Paul Gigot says, that he is pro-immigration. Well, duh — he needs to correct the record because you and Bob Novak and other friends are suggesting otherwise.

