links for 2007-06-07 A byline I thought I would never see again: Elizabeth McCaughey Elizabeth McCaughey: No Exit F*** The Politico Brink Lindsey: Has Bush Discredited Big-Government Conservatism? Bruce Bartlett: Bush's Fair Weather Fans Bruce Bartlett: Bush and Loyalty Tyler Cowen: Feminist economics Duncan Black: Not a single "Free Scooter!" column/editorial on the WaPo today. Michael Froomkin: I Predicted This Years Ago: As the number of cash-free bridge commuters rises, so do the ranks of divorce lawyers and other civil attorneys who have subpoenaed, and received, personal driving records from the agency that oversees the reg James Fallows: What is Rudy Giuliani talking about????? Henry Farrell on Linda Hirshman: f I’d ever misused data that badly, and been caught at it, I think I’d have wanted to disappear into a hole for a year or two. William Arkin: Only Rep. Ron Paul of Texas, the "Dennis the Menace" of his party, said he opposed a nuclear strike on moral grounds and because he believed Iran "has done no harm to us directly and is no threat to our national security." James Hagerty: Rise in Home Inventory Continues to Hurt Prices Jon Carroll: Jay Rosen on the "master narratives" of journalism Jim Hamilton: Post Mortem on the Cambridge Energy Research Associates Forecasts Gideon Rachman: President Bush made a really good speech in Prague yesterday. Unfortunately, his credibility is so shot that hardly anybody paid attention. Rick Perlstein: lot of this character-witness stuff seems to concern free or reduced-cost legal services Libby rendered to these people. What's that about? Dan Froomkin: Will Bush say that he doesn't believe Libby should be punished since all he did was fall on a dagger aimed at the vice president? That's possibly the most honest approach -- though also the least likely. Duncan Black: The ghost of Joseph Heller is channeled by Bernstein and O'Reilly to reflect 15 years of reporting on the Clintons. Megan Stack: In Saudi Arabia, a view from behind the veil Steven Gilliard Jr., 42, Dies; Founder of Liberal Political Blog Bitch Ph.D.: What struck me at the time... was... that most of the follow-up discussion was about the anxieties of blogging Per Kurowski, formerly Venezuelan Executive Director of the World Bank, has tea with the FT Jeffrey Goldberg: Letter from Washington: Party Unfaithful:The Republican implosion Ken Auletta: Annals of Communications: Family Business: Dow Jones is not like other companies. How long can that go on? Scooter Libby Love Letters: Leon Wieseltier Wingnuts of the WSJ: An Independent Newspaper Steve Stecklow, Aaron Patrick, Martin Peers, and Andrew Higgins: In Murdoch's Career, A Hand on the News - Norman Ornstein Hearts Nancy Pelosi