links for 2007-07-24 Bernard Shaw: Man and Superman Ann Eisenberg: Who Says You Can’t Take Your iPod to the Staff Meeting? Howard Kurtz and Joe Klein: Are Journalists Taking Balanced Approach on Iraq Story? (December 7, 2002) Daniel Davies: IMPORTANT: Time to do the right thing by our Iraqi friends: I’ve written on this in the past (as has John, and Jim Henley, and it’s been in the New Republic), but the situation is now urgent as well as serious – there is a very grave Gideon Rachman: Lord Salisbury, a British prime minister of the imperial age, once remarked that a great deal of strategic confusion can be caused by "using maps with too small a scale". This warning should be remembered when comparing Turkey and Pakistan Angry Bear: The nitwits at the National Review never cease to disappoint us. Latest case in point is Thomas Nugent