Naked Capitalism Wants to Insure Himself Against Gillian Tett Having a Bus Accident
Richard Brookstaber: Blowing up the Lab on Wall Street

Joshua Micah Marshall Is Very Unhappy with the Los Angeles Times

It is one of those stories that you would condemn as unbelievable and unrealistic if you were to see it acted upon the stage. Josh writes:

Talking Points Memo | Annals of Reporting:[T]this morning I was alerted to an opinion column in the Los Angeles Times by Michael Skube.... The sum of the piece is that the blogosphere is as rife with disputation as it is thin on information, or more specifically, reporting, writing that demands "time, thorough fact-checking and verification and, most of all, perseverance."... [I]n a column bewailing how blogs don't do any real reporting one of the four bloggers he mentioned was me.... I sent Skube an email telling him that I found it hard to believe he was very familiar with TPM if he was including us as examples in a column about the dearth of original reporting in the blogosphere.... I got a reply: "I didn't put your name into the piece and haven't spent any time on your site. So to that extent I'm happy to give you benefit of the doubt..."

This seemed more than a little odd since, as I said, he certainly does use me as an example -- along with Sullivan, Matt Yglesias and Kos. So I followed up noting my surprise that... he wrote about sites he admits he'd never read.

To which I got this response: "I said I did not refer to you in the original. Your name was inserted late by an editor who perhaps thought I needed to cite more examples..."

And this is from someone who teaches journalism?

And Matthew Yglesias says:

time for another weblogger ethics panel!

Why oh why can't we have a better press corps?
