links for 2007-08-25 Dean Baker, Midsummer Meltdown Shleifer and Vishny, "Limits to Arbitrage" Pigs Fly! The Politico Reports: Avi Zenilman: John Dower: Bush use of quote ‘perverse' Edward Cody: The Misery of China's Mines Felix Salmon: [Bank of America]'s Savvy Countrywide Investment Calculated Risk: Pearlstein on Commercial Real Estate: In markets like Washington, New York, Boston and San Francisco, the last four years have been among the best the industry has ever seen -- falling vacancy rates, rising rents, soaring values and a ton Felix Salmon: Thinking the Unthinkable: Regulating the Brave New World of Finance Jim Hamilton: Latest economic indicators look good, but that was then and this is now... Tanta: Short Sales and Short Arms Justin Fox: Ben Bernanke Walks the Line: Much of what Ben Bernanke spends his days doing oscillates between the incomprehensibly arcane and the unspeakably dull. Lately, though, the Federal Reserve chairman has a stark, even exciting task at hand. He's be Charlie Stross: Why DRM Sucks: Redux Joshua Micah Marshall:And when you boil all this down what it comes down to is that the president now has very different interests than the country he purports to lead. Cosma Shalizi: Buffon Friday Cat Blogging (You Say That Like It's a Bad Thing Issue of Science Geek Edition) Muhlberger's Early History: Discovering the Global Past, Vol. 2, 3rd edition