links for 2007-10-13 Financial Aid, College Scholarships, and Student Loans Henry Jenkins: I Was a Teenage Terrorist: The Star Simpson Story Hal Licino: 86 Mac Plus Vs. 07 AMD DualCore. You Won't Believe Who Wins David Wessel: Why Job Market Is Sagging in the Middle Mary Anne Ostrom and Mark Gomez: After Oscar and Emmy, Al Gore [and IPCC] lands a Nobel Peace Prize Daniel Lazare: Lobbying Degree Zero Juan Cole: Who Lost Turkey? Paul Krugman: Socialsecuritymedicareandmedicaid Gary Farber on Andrew Sullivan: Heck, are they capable of ignoring Andrew Sullivan? Indeed. Don't be mad, Andrew. This is just a "provocation," after all. PGL: Total Federal Debt Rose by $550 Billion This Year Scott McLemee: Quick Study: Phil Nugent: By now, it's clear that "We don't torture" is going to be George Bush's equivalent to "I am not a crook" or "I did not have sexual relations with that woman"--an embarrassingly transparent, obviously untrue stateme The Phil Nugent Experience: Living the Dream Haggai on Mearsheimer and Walt: I guess people still want to talk about this Tyler Cowen: CEO compensation and the marginal product of the CEO James Wolcott: Rush Limbaugh and his fellow talk-radio troll dolls didn't "pervert" conservatism--he didn't lay siege to some maiden fair and debauch her virtue... Robert Waldmann: Bait-and-Switch at the New York Times Individual Income Tax Data for Tax Year 2005 Norimitsu Onishi: Death Reveals Harsh Side of a ‘Model’ in Japan