links for 2007-12-30 Dahlia Lithwick: The Bush administration's dumbest legal arguments of the year Brad DeLong in his office. The current financial crisis rolls forward… Economist's View: Glenn Rudebusch of FRBSF: National Economic Outlook Health Beat: The New York Times “Gets Cracking” on Rising Health Care Costs Paul Krugman: Carbon Emissions Graph Hilzoy: The Army’s unwillingness to accept openly gay soldiers has always struck me as not just bigoted, but incredibly dumb. Paul Krugman: Blindly Into the Bubble Economics Blog: Fed to Continue Auctions 'As Long as Necessary' Tom Watson: Battle-Testing Hillary Clinton Paul Kedrosky: Hedge Funds: Why Stop Reporting Performance? Martin Wolf - The dangers of living in a zero-sum world economy Angus Maddison: Contours of the World Economy 1-2030 AD: Essays in Macro-Economic History Ambrogio Lorenzetti's Effect of Good Government Don Kohn, “Financial Markets and Central Banking,” November 28, 2007 Matthew Yglesias (December 26, 2007) - Innumeracy (Media) Publius: We know about Jim Crow, but we don’t know about it... Ed Glaeser on Ha-Joon Chang Paul Krugman: While the United States has long imported oil and other raw materials from the third world, we used to import manufactured goods mainly from other rich countries... Kerwin Kofi Charles and Jonathan Guryan, “Prejudice and The Economics of Discrimination” Calculated Risk: New Home Sales David Brooks: The Sidney Awards II 1 gigabyte in 1987 and 2007: via David Wescott: It's Not a Lecture: If I Were a Congressional Staffer... Rainy Grey Afternoon Female Vocalist Blogging Paul Krugman: The housing bust has lived up fully to my expectations... USS DeLong (Destroyer # 129, later DD-129), 1919-1922 The Oil Trade From Eric Umansky: Krak des Chevaliers Mike Terry: Not to say the dollar is in trouble, but the gas station I stopped at on my way to work has a sign advertising 2 Krispy Kreme donuts for $2, which means that the all-important dollars to donuts exchange rate is now one to one... Note to Self: John Kenneth Galbraith: Sisyphus as Social Democrat DeLong Smackdown Watch Update: Henry Farrell on Brad DeLong, Friedrich Hayek, Ludwig von Mises, James Scott, High Modernism, Jane Jacobs, the collectivization of agriculture, Karl Polanyi, rubber tomatos, the despised medieval Jewish Maghribi traders, and Tumblr: Settings and Goodies - Reviews by PC Magazine Davidville Geek to Live: Instant, no-overhead blog with Tumblr Evhead: Will it fly? How to Evaluate a New Product Idea Tariq Ali: A tragedy born of military despotism and anarchy Dean Foster and Peyton Young: Hedge Fund Wizards Saeed Shah: McClatchy Washington Bureau: Attendee at Bhutto rally: 'There was pandemonium' Anuj Gangahar, Guy Dinmore, Bertrand Benoit, and Peggy Hollinger: Poor Christmas sales leave stores hungry Kevin Drum on Michael Barbero of the New York Times: Question: why does this happen so routinely? Wages that are up 3% in a period when inflation is running 4% aren't actually up. Spending that's up 3% in a period when inflation is running 4% isn't actual Duncan Black: They Knew They Were Right: From the publicity material for Jacob Heilbrunn's new book, subtitled "The Rise of the Neocons": "Heilbrunn argues that neoconservatism has been unfairly demonized. Indeed, their ambitious vision of a democratic Ir