Saturday Night and I'm Still Hanging Around...
Uh-Oh! (Examination Missteps Department)

Saturday Night and I'm Still Hanging Around...

20071208_delong_micro.jpg May I say that Saturday night from 5-8 PM is an absolutely insane and absurd time to have a final exam, and that the Chancellor of the Berkeley Campus, the President of the University of California, and the Chairman of the Board of Regents should be required to show up personally to apologize and to wait upon the students while this monstrosity goes forward?

The students in VLSB 2060 are still further annoyed by the magnitude and the sprawl of the readings I assigned them in Political Economy 101, "Modern" Theories of Political Economy. But this is, after all, Berkeley--not Stanford.

Here is the exam:

PART I: SHORT ANSWERS: Do 7 of 8. 1 hour--one-third of exam--10 min. per question:

  1. What facts about the way the world appeared to be working before 1914 made it reasonable for Norman Angell to hope that full-scale war between great powers had become a thing of the past?
  2. The dominant social-democratic consensus when Milton Friedman wrote was that the logic and working of the market needed to be curbed by an active, powerful, energetic government aggressively regulating in the public interest. What does Milton Friedman think is wrong with this? What does he think is wrong with the conventional "conservative" point of view?
  3. What does Karl Polanyi mean when he calls the commodities of land, labor, and finance "fictitious"?
  4. Does Paul Krugman believe the West should feel threatened by the fact that Asian countries have achieved "miraculous" growth under a different political ideology? Why or why not?
  5. What does Benedict Anderson mean by "imagined" when he calls nations "imagined communities"? What does Benedict Anderson think that "print capitalism" did in creating his imagined communities?
  6. What was the main point of each of the following three articles: i.) Stephen Holmes on the meaning of liberalism; ii.) Francis Fukuyama on the "end of history"; iii.) Benjamin Barber on "Jihad vs. McWorld"?
  7. What does Robert Reich mean by "symbolic analyst"? What does he want symbolic analysts to invest in and why?
  8. What are the differences between Dani Rodrik's and Joe Stiglitz's approaches to understanding economic development policy?

PART II: LONG ESSAYS: Do 2 of 3. 2 hours--two-thirds of exam--1 hr. per question:

  1. In what ways are thinkers like Milton Friedman and thinkers like James Scott close intellectual allies? In what ways are they mortal intellectual enemies? How have the pieces of twentieth century history that they have lived through and focus on led them to their respective conclusions? How does the thought of each differ from the ideological labels traditionally applied to them?

  2. One way to understand almost all of the thinkers read in this course is that they are all trying in various ways to escape from the box history placed us in when history turned out not to follow the "pre-WWI classical liberal" path of steadily increasing prosperity, democratization, globalization, and peace. Take at least six of the thinkers read in this course and put them in their proper place in this perspective: What things in twentieth-century history made them reject or try to fix classical liberalism? How did they think that humanity should get out of the traps and problems that history was presenting?

C. A large number of the thinkers we have read are explicitly concerned not just with what is but with what ought to be--not just with the technocratic "what works" but with the moral questions of "what kind of people we are" and "who are we responsible toward." Consider John Maynard Keynes, Karl Polanyi, Milton Friedman, and Joe Stiglitz. How are each of their arguments and points of view "moral" rather than "technocratic"? Does the moral element strengthen or weaken the cases they make, in your opinion?


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Spring Water

And after Dani Rodrik had taken the time to write out a model sample answer for I.8, I could not leave it off the actual exam, could I?
