links for 2008-01-07
We Are Live at Salon This Morning...

More Things to Read...

Steve Randy Waldmann:

Interfluidity :: Link Lovin' fer the New Year: I decided long ago not to have a "blogroll", figuring that I would naturally link to the people I read. But it hasn't really worked out that way. There are lots of amazing authors whose every word I hang on, but whom I rarely have occasion to link. This interweb is an amazing thing. Banks may implode and currencies morph to toilet paper, but intellectually, these are the best of times. There has never been a conversation like this, so many wonderful minds communicating in a forum that is open to everyone, but still relevant, even influentual. Thank goodness for this crazy machine, and for all its cogs and pulleys — writers, commenters, and especially readers.

I want to devote my first post of the year to highlighting and thanking some of the people whose words keep my brain pleasantly marinated....
