New Year's Day Ultimate Anti-Libertarian Nanny State Blogging
To encourage y'all to keep your New Year's resolutions, we present:
- A state that does not ask what it can do for you.
- A state that does not ask what you can do for it.
- A state that in fact tells you what to do in extreme detail.
We present a message from the governor of the state of California:
This exercise is extremely effective for your lats[issimi dorsi] and your upper back.
Stand with your feet on either side of an open door and grasp the doorknobs with both hands.
Slowly sink away from the door so that your back jackknifes and your arms extend fully and lock.
Now pull yourself back up to the starting position.
Let your arms, not your legs, complete the motion.
I will count out thirty repetitions.
Beginners should do 10, intermediates 20, and advanced the full amount.
LET'S DO IT! 1... 2... 3... 4, AND STRETCH YOUR BACK!... 5... 6... 7, DON'T USE YOUR LEGS!... 8... 9... 10... 11... 12... 13... 14... 15... 16, JUST USE YOUR ARMS!... 17... 18... 19... 20... 1... 2... 3, CONCENTRATE ON YOUR BACK!!... 4... 5... 6... 7, THREE MORE!... 8... 9, AND THE LAST ONE!... 30...
Next we have in our program a wonderful leg exercise, the lunges. This exercise develops the front part of your thighs...
From Arnold Schwarzenegger's Total Body Workout; background: Tommy Tutone, "867-5309"