What Is "Egregious Moderation"?
It's a rotisserie-league journal of politics and reality: an egregiously-moderate forum for people who want an online source for punchy liberal analysis and evisceration; especially evisceration. In the age of the internet anyone can speak in the public sphere, and anyone can be a rotisserie-league magazine editor as well. Guaranteed Betsy McCaughey free! Guaranteed Charles Murray free! No claims that the dinner-party-going "commentariat" is highly qualified because guest lists that cross ideological lines help liberals understand Bush loyalists! No Jonah Goldberg--but plenty of Spencer Ackerman!
Recently in Egregious Moderation:
- Tim Burke: Competency as a Cultural Value
- Angry Bear on the Unemployment News
- Spencer Ackerman: And it was in his name artillery lit the sky on fire
- Tom Schaller: The Republicans' Accountability Moment | The American Prospect
- Simon Rosenberg: On Obama, race and the end of the Southern Strategy | NDN Blog
- Harold Meyerson: Iowa's Verdict | The American Prospect
- Mark Kleiman: Piety, Virtue, and Folly
- Steve Randy Waldmann: When a rose is not a rose: TAF is not "just" the discount window
- Rick Perlstein: The Lives They Lived - Harry Dent
- Michael Tomasky: They'd Rather Be Right
- Eric Rauchway: About forty-five years ago. When did you start?
- Alisa Rubin and Damien Cave: In a Force for Iraqi Calm, Seeds of Conflict
- Ari: Ron Paul: Very Gradual Emancipationist
- Dana Goldstein on Ron Paul
- Nicholas Antongiavanni: Curtains for the Necktie?
- Sir Charles: Hillary Rodham Clinton as the New, New Nixon?
- Kevin Drum: "They Will Get Overrun"
- Kevin Drum: Who Knew?
- Malcolm Gladwell: What I.Q. doesn’t tell you about race
- Mark Schmitt: The Spectre of Gingrichism
- Kieran Healy: The Troubles: Kinds of Quagmires
- Rick Perlstein: Church of Bush
- Daniel Davies: What do we owe?
- Mark Kleiman: The Reality-Based Community: Torture and capital punishment
- Daniel Davies: In the opinion of Commentary magazine, the Prime Minister of Israel is insufficiently pro-Israel
- Larry Johnson: Torture Tapes
- Andrew Samwick: Yes, Mikey, It Really Is About Illegal Immigration
- Matthew Yglesias on the New Republic
- Dilip Hiro: Bush's Losing Iranian Hand
- John Sides: Are Whites More Likely to Support the Death Penalty When They Think Blacks Are Being Executed?
- Matthew Yglesias: Ehud Olmert, Jew-hater
- Stephen Metcalfe on William Saletan: What Does My Anger Have to Do with Your Crappy Research?
- Cosma Shalizi: Last Words on Saletan
- Michael Perelman