The Worm Ouroboros...
Ann Bartow of Feminist Law Professors:
Feminist Law Professors: Why I Love Being A Law Prof, Blogging Edition: I’m listening to Jack Balkin (of Balkinization) give a talk, whilst sitting next to one of my very favorite law prof bloggers, Michael Froomkin (of, and next to him is Brad DeLong (of Grasping Reality with Both Hands: The Semi-Daily Journal Economist Brad DeLong). Nearby is James Grimmelmann (of The Laboratorium). Yesterday I was on a panel that also included Bill McGeveran (of Info/Law) and Frank Pasquale (of and Concurring Opinions). I’ve heard presentations by very smart people like Wendy Seltzer (of Legal Tags), and Andrea Matwyshyn (Jurisdynamics Idol) and gotten to catch up a little with the wonderful Susan Crawford (of Susan Crawford blog) and Chris Hoofnagle (of Chris
There are lots of great non-bloggers too! The weather here stinks but the pizza is great. As some of you may have already guessed, I’m in New Haven. Next week I’ll get to hang out in Montreal with Bridget Crawford (of this blog of course!), Sudha Setty (of The Title IX Blog) and Christine Hurt (of The Conglomerate) at the LSA Annual Meeting, because we are all on a panel about Blogging As Feminist Legal Method, along with Alison Stein, author of the very cool article discussed here. Life is good, especially during the summer conference season!
Shades of David Lodge's Small World...