Top Seven Current Posts
The top seven current posts on this weblog are:
- Alma Mater Blogging How effectively is Harvard University using its immense resources? Not well...
- John Scalzi Drums Up Business For writer Daniel Abraham and his story "The Cambist and Lord Iron," which shows a fine sensitivity to the concept of opportunity cost...
- Why Aren't More Americans Going to College? We do not know. They should be. The rewards are great...
- Keeping U.C. at the Top It's a difficult task. A comment on a column by David Warsh...
- David Brin's The Transparent Society Book Ten Years Later A Computers, Freedom, and Privacy conference panel organized and run by Michael Froomkin...
- Berkeley Law Professor John Yoo's Torture Memo and Academic Freedom I write this as a consequence of reading what Boalt Dean Chris Edley calls the “Torture Memo” of Professor John Yoo--which horrified me. I write to ask you to appoint a special committee... members of the faculty with expertise in moral philosophy, the role of the university, international relations, human rights, and constitutional law. I ask you to instruct this committee to write of a public report to the Academic Senate no later than this Labor Day, advising the Senate of the pros and cons of actions that the Academic Senate might or might not take in the matter of Professor John Yoo...
- Let Them Hate Us as Long as They Fear Us [I]t is important that presidential candidates fear economists.... Republican politicians have not feared their economists since... the Eisenhower administration... and so Republican economic policy is overwhelmingly lousy. Democratic politicians... fear.... And so their campaign rhetoric is less out-to-lunch. And their post-election policies are better...