links for 2008-08-31 Ken Silverstein and Sebastian Jones: Palin and Her Pastors: âThose that die without Christ have a horrible, horrible surpriseâ Rebecca George: Palin says she felt safe flying [eight hours] to Alaska [while in labor] to have baby Sir Charles of Cogitamus: I Am Smitten by Liz Phair Marcus Schaper Roberton Williams and Howard Gleckman: A Updated Analysis of the 2008 Presidential Candidatesâ Tax Plans Economic Snapshots: The State of Working America Jonathan Cohn: McCain Campaign Disavows Health Adviser (Updated) Ta-Nehisi Coates: John Lewis is pumped Walton and Rockoff Contents Matthew Yglesias: Secret Origins: Large Lecture Edition Matthew Yglesias on Bill Kristol on Ryan Crocker Jared Bernstein: Trickle Down...R.I.P. Historical Income Tables - Households Steph Laberis: Don't Flash the Octopus! Steven Gould: Shade Built on Facts: Approximately a Power Series BT Construction Co: Alameda, Ca James Fallows: China Makes, The World Takes Census: Income, Poverty, and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2007 Economist Mom: Brad DeLong: For Fiscal Responsibility, Raising Taxes Is Not Optional Unenumerated: The Coase Theorem is false: contracts depend on tort law David Leonhardt: Barack Obama, A Free-Market-Loving, Big-Spending, Fiscally Conservative Wealth Redistributionist - Arloc Sherman and Robert Greenstein: What to Watch For in the New Census Income and Poverty Numbers, 8/21/08 Peter Orszag: Health Care and the Budget: Issues and Challenges for Reform 2007 Kaiser/HRET Employer Health Benefits Survey Health Care Costs Fact Sheet Cristina Bicchieri