Yet More Burning Wreckage from the Crashed-and-Burned Washington Post
Some of What I Have Been Reading and Noting...

The Past Month's Worth of Egregious Moderation

Political Economy:

Dean Baker: Yet More Incompetent and Biased Journamalism from the Washington Post About the Auto Industry
James Surowiecki: Government Meddling Is Bad, Except When We Do It: The Balance Sheet
Dani Rodrik: Naomi Klein is very hard to understand
Josh Micah Marshall: Neo-Hooverite Republicans
Thoreau: Different poxes on different houses
Matthew Yglesias: Private Jets
Matthew Yglesias: Long and Deep


Katha Pollitt: Bill Ayers Whitewashes History, Again
John Maynard Keynes: An Open Letter to President Roosevelt, December 31, 1933
John Maynard Keynes’s Private Letter to Franklin Delano Roosevelt of February 1, 1938
NathanNewman: Amnesia on the Death of Reconstruction


Paul Krugman: The Madoff Economy
Dean Baker: Yet More Incompetent and Biased Journamalism from the Washington Post About the Auto Industry
Julian Zelizer Answers Your Political-History Questions
James Surowiecki: Government Meddling Is Bad, Except When We Do It: The Balance Sheet
Matthew Yglesias: Great Moments in Jargon
Randall Smith in 1992: Wall Street Mystery Features a Big Board Rival
Barry Ritholtz: More CRA Idiocy
Tyler Cowen: Keynes's General Theory, chapter four, *The Choice of Units*
Matthew Yglesias: The Most Dangerous Man in Europe
Dani Rodrik: Naomi Klein is very hard to understand
Paul Krugman: The German problem
Menzie Chinn: The Employment Situation in Pictures
Barry Ritholtz: FDIC Chairman Sheila Bair on CRA: NOT Guilty
Robert Waldmann on Joe Stiglitz as Political Actor
Josh Micah Marshall: Neo-Hooverite Republicans
Felix Salmon: The Great Recession Bites
John Berry: Bloomberg: The Fed's Balance Sheet Swells to $3 Trillion
John Maynard Keynes: An Open Letter to President Roosevelt, December 31, 1933
Ezra Klein: The People on the Financial News Shows Are Idiots Who Are Trying to Make You Poor
Kenneth Rogoff: Fear of inflation is like worrying about getting the measles when one is in danger of getting the plague
Paul Krugman Even More on Nominal Wages in the Great Depression
John Maynard Keynes’s Private Letter to Franklin Delano Roosevelt of February 1, 1938
Paul Krugman: What to Do
Calculated Risk: Hoocoodanode?
Garrett Jones: Monetary Policy and the Great Depression


Zaz Hollander: Levi Johnston's mother hit with drug charges
Mark Kleiman: Optimism
Greg Anrig: The Top Dozen Insights of Conservatives, 2008
The Economist on Michael Barone, and the Congress
James Surowiecki: Government Meddling Is Bad, Except When We Do It: The Balance Sheet
Amanda Terkel: Powell lashes out at Palin: I’m from the South Bronx, ‘and there’s nothing wrong with my value system.’
Dani Rodrik: Naomi Klein is very hard to understand
The Poor Man: When the feeling’s gone and you can’t go on? It’s a tragedy
Karen Tumulty: Henry Kissinger Is a Liar
Josh Micah Marshall: Neo-Hooverite Republicans
Matthew Yglesias: Strange Swing: Joe the Plumber
Neal Gabler: The GOP's McCarthy gene
Jonathan Zasloff: The Great Krugman-Mankiw Debate
Matthew Yglesias: The Irrelevant House Republicans
Pro Growth Liberal: Healthcare Debate: So This is Why Conservatives Hate Social Security
Ezra Klein: The Best and the Brightest
Paul Krugman: About that advisory board
Steve Benen: The President's Economic Recovery Advisory Board
Charlie Cook: Missing: Seller's Remorse
Stan Collender: Quick Question: Big 3 Auto Companies
Thoreau: Different poxes on different houses
The Economist: The Republican Party: Ship of Fools
Matthew Yglesias: Private Jets
Matthew Yglesias: Long and Deep
Michael Bérubé on the Weathermen
