links for 2009-06-18 Susie Madrak: Obama to Strip Fed of Power to Regulate Mortgages, Credit Cards | Crooks and Liars Bright Rights: Reminder when reviewing Obama's financial reform plan Nina Hachigian: Bailing Out the Bailer-Outer: Five Reasons Congress Should Agree to Fund the IMF Conor Clarke: An Interview With Paul Samuelson, Part One Trevor Giffrey: Pat Buchanan: For Affirmative Action Before He Was Against It Bruce Bartlett: The Achilles' heel of health care reform Jon Cohn: Deep Brain Stimulation... isn't exactly an American innovation. If anybody deserves credit for developing it, it's the French--and one French doctor in particular... Matthew Yglesias: Bill Clinton’s Self-Criticism Matthew Yglesias: Christina Romer on the Health Tax Exclusion Martin Wolf: Rising government bond rates prove policy works Jonathan Zasloff: Newt Gingrich, Zombie Politician Anatomy of the Global Economy Juan Cole: Terror Free Tomorrow Poll Did not Predict Ahmadinejad Win Felix Salmon: When did the White House lose Congress? My answer: in November 1994, when Gingrich's bet that just saying no won electoral victories came off... Peter Orszag: A plan to boost America’s fiscal health Rortybomb: Atlantic Business and the Shadow Banks Mohamed El-Erian: Survivor’s guide to navigation Daniel Mitsui via TNH: Anathema of Ernulf of Rochester Ahmadinejad sucks at Photoshop Chittum on Gillian Tett's "Fool's Gold" Charlie's Diary: How I got here in the end, part four: the first startup death march John Bresnahan: NRSC paid son of woman in Ensign affair Miletus Lorie Tarshis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia