links for 2009-06-20 Farnaz Fassihi: Crowds, Calm and Then Gunshots China Mieville: There and Back Again: Five Reasons Tolkien Rocks Paul Krugman on the Dan Froomkin firing Paul Krugman: Out of the Shadows Matthew Yglesias: Conservative Justices’ Strange Enthusiasm for the Punishment of the Innocent Gawker JuicerHub Juan Cole: Mourning Rally Biggest Demonstration Since Monday in Tehran; Khamenei to Address Nation Wonkette : Washington Post Fires Froomkin! Zachary Roth: Husband Of Ensign's Girlfriend To Fox's Kelly: Help Me Expose Senator's "Relentless Pursuit Of My Wife" Greg Ip: Reforming financial regulations in America: Better broth, still too many cooks Ezra Klein: Health reform is, I think it fair to say, in danger right now. The news out of the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee was bad.... But the news out of the Finance Committee is much, much worse... DeLong: Equality of Opportunity