links for 2009-06-29 Matthew Yglesias: Yes, The World is Really Getting Warmer ILAN BRAT, ELLEN BYRON and ANN ZIMMERMAN: Retailers Cut Back on Variety, Once the Spice of Marketing The Toaster Project Matthew Yglesias » Conservative Canadian Senator Defends Single-Payer Health Care Matthew Yglesias » Pitney vs Millbank Think Progress » The Washington Post’s Dana Milbank calls Nico Pitney a ‘dick’ after heated debate on CNN. DougJ: More on the firing of Froomkin Fafblog! Before the end of the world Bob Somerby: EZRA SI, FROOMKIN NO! Ezra Klein obeyed a great rule. Froomkin never did Sam Bowles: Breaking: Hunter Gatherer Societies Were Incredibly Violent Much like prime-time TV...