Jonathan Martin of the Politico Raises the Bar on "Opinons on Shape of Earth Differ" Journamalism
I can envision seeing a more complete, more craven, and even funnier abdication of the journalist's responsibility to inform his or her audience--for some reason "Josef Stalin: lover of puppies or genocidal dictator?" springs to mind--but I never have.
Jonathan Martin raises the bar:
Jonathan Martin - The vitriol also suggests the degree to which Palin remains a Rorschach test not simply to Republicans nationally but within a tight circle of elite operatives and commentators, many of whom seem ready to carry their arguments in 2012. Was Palin a fresh talent whose debut was mishandled by self-serving campaign insiders, or an eccentric “diva” who had no business on the national stage? Going forward, does she offer a conservative and charismatic face for a demoralized and star-less party? Or is she a loose cannon who should be consigned to the tabloids where she can reside in perpetuity with other flash-in-the-pan sensations?