links for 2009-07-12
And as long as Marty Peretz is writing fetid dogshite like "Christian Believers Would Be Excluded From Government If The Left Liberals Had Their Way," I can't say it's likely that I will ever feel remotely inclined to change my mind.
[U]nless your definition of urgency requires a gun to your head with the hammer cocked, to believe that dealing with a problem that has grown steadily worse, is unsustainable in cost, and is killing people before their time is not urgent requires a certain Olympian disdain for grubby reality that I just can’t muster...
it’s very hard to imagine what would lead you to say that $800 billion in stimulus, which leaves the economy deeply depressed, is just right. You could make a case that no stimulus at all — in fact, fiscal retrenchment — is appropriate. Or you could, like me, call for substantially more. But ratifying what we’ve done, and no more, makes very little sense