links for 2009-08-04 Menzie Chinn: Comparing the Current Recession and the "1980-82 Recession" Doug Elmendorf: The Effects of Health Reform Legislation beyond the Next Decade Andrew Samwick: The Composition of GDP During the Recession | Capital Gains and Games Menzie Chinn: Multipliers, under Differing Monetary Regimes Economist: America's Future Pete Davis: OMB v. CBO in the "First Battle of the Blogs" Silbey on the New York Times: Epics of Cluelessness Gideon Rachman: Europe prepares for a Baltic blast David Roche: Insight: The threat of a return to thrift Tax Policy Center on Twitter Paul Krugman: Black States Matthew Yglesias » Why Would Information Blockades Increase Newspaper Revenue? Woods of the Laminated Algae? I need to learn more Spanish pronto... ... Mark Schmitt on Reconciliation and Health Care Mark Thoma: Why Employment Matters Matthew Yglesias: Why is American Politics Uni-dimensional?