Scott Horton on the CIA Report
Econ 115 Lecture Notes: September 8, 2009: Lecture 4: The Invention of Invention: Modern Economic Growth Comes to the North Atlantic, 1870-1914

Remember Medicare Part D?

Matthew Yglesias:

A Look Back: When thinking about health insurance reform, it is worth looking back at the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act. For one thing, in its final form it passed the United States Senate by a vote of 54 to 44. For another thing, unlike the House or HELP health care bills, it added hundreds of billions of dollars to the 10-year deficit window. And it contained nothing that even purported to “bend the curve” over the long term. But notwithstanding those problems, it was good enough for both Max Baucus and Chuck Grassley to vote for. This was only six years ago, hardly ancient history.
