links for 2009-09-25
For me, David Cole has long been the gold standard for his exquisite knowledge of our Constitution and his relentless dedication to its values. So, when I read that the Georgetown University law school prof had a new book out, I quickly got my copy. I wasn't disappointed, and you won't be either. Cole's new book is two things: First, a collection of six of the previously-published "torture memos"... second, Cole's commentary on this distortion of the law and its implications for our society. This book is a must-read for the latter alone. In chillingly uncomplicated prose, Cole argues that these memos are the real "smoking gun" in the torture controversy because they demonstrate that the culpability lies not merely with the CIA interrogators who may have exceeded Justice Department legal guidance, but with the legal guidance itself - the "incredible arguments advanced to give them a green light."