links for 2009-10-14 John Quiggin on New Keynesian Macro Free exchange: Embracing benign neglect of the dollar Yves Smith on Kevin Sack and Reed Abelson: New York Times: Missing in Action on Health Insurance Lobby Duplicity Martin Wolf: The rumours of the dollar’s death are much exaggerated Simon Johnson and James Kwak: On Stimulus Spending, Deficit Hawks' Concern Is Misplaced Davi Beckworth: Macro and Other Market Musings: How Well Known Was the Productivty Surge of the Early 2000s? Summers Letter Defends Stimulus Christina Bellantoni: Accounting Firm PriceWaterhouseCoopers Admits Cost Savings Left Out Of Report Prepared For AHIP Jamison Foser: The continuing uselessness of Ceci Connolly and the Washington Post DeLong: Robert Waldmann Has an Interpretation of Karl Marx that Is New to Me... Julius Martov: Marx and the Dictatorship of the Proletariat (1918) DeLong: The Robert Heinlein Wars, Part MDCCLXIV Michelle Goldberg on Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg