More Bad Climate Science from the Wall Street Journal Editorial Page...
Why oh why can't we have a better press corps?
It seems to me that Richard Lindzen is not a good scientist.
He writes:
Richard S. Lindzen: The Climate Science Isn't Settled: The potential (and only the potential) for alarm enters with the issue of climate sensitivity—which refers to the change that a doubling of CO2 will produce in GATA. It is generally accepted that a doubling of CO2 will only produce a change of about two degrees Fahrenheit.... Yet current climate models predict much higher sensitivities.... because... [of] positive feedback.... There is some evidence of a positive feedback effect for water vapor in cloud-free regions, but a major part of any water-vapor feedback would have to acknowledge that cloud-free areas are always changing, and this remains an unknown. At this point, few scientists would argue that the science is settled. In particular, the question remains as to whether water vapor and clouds have positive or negative feedbacks...
So far so good. But then Lindzen jumps the shark:
The notion that the earth's climate is dominated by positive feedbacks is intuitively implausible, and the history of the earth's climate offers some guidance on this matter. About 2.5 billion years ago, the sun was 20%-30% less bright than now (compare this with the 2% perturbation that a doubling of CO2 would produce), and yet the evidence is that the oceans were unfrozen at the time, and that temperatures might not have been very different from today's...
I had always thought--and the climate guys here at Berkeley assure me that it is the case--that the very long-run climate evidence suggests not that negative feedback damps forcings but rather that there is a substantial range over which positive feedbacks amplifying forcings may be terrifyingly large--perhaps they might even have been large enough to produce a Snowball Earth. So I was very surprised--and I am told I should be surprised--to see Lindzen claiming what he does.
Hoffman and Schrag:
Just before the appearance of recognizable animal life, in a time period known as the Neoproterozoic, an ice age prevailed with such intensity that even the tropics froze over.... freezing to the bottom... ice grows a kilometer thick in the -50 degree Celsius cold. All but a tiny fraction of the planet's primitive organisms die. Aside from grinding glaciers and groaning sea ice, the only stir comes from a smattering of volcanoes forcing their hot heads above the frigid surface. Although it seems the planet might never wake from its cryogenic slumber, the volcanoes slowly manufacture an escape from the chill: carbon dioxide.... The heat-trapping capacity of carbon dioxide--a greenhouse gas--warms the planet and begins to melt the ice. The thaw takes only a few hundred years, but a new problem arises in the meantime: a brutal greenhouse effect. Any creatures that survived the icehouse must now endure a hothouse.
As improbable as it may sound, we see clear evidence that this striking climate reversal--the most extreme imaginable on this planet--happened as many as four times between 750 million and 580 million years ago.... The search for the surprisingly strong evidence for these climatic events has taken us around the world. Although we are now examining Neoproterozoic rocks in Australia, China, the western U.S. and the Arctic islands of Svalbard, we began our investigations in 1992 along the rocky cliffs of Namibia's Skeleton Coast....
Mikhail Budyko of the Leningrad Geophysical Observatory found a way to explain tropical glaciers using equations that describe the way solar radiation interacts with the earth's surface and atmosphere to control climate. Some geographic surfaces reflect more of the sun's incoming energy than others, a quantifiable characteristic known as albedo. White snow reflects the most solar energy and has a high albedo, darker-colored seawater has a low albedo, and land surfaces have intermediate values that depend on the types and distribution of vegetation. The more radiation the planet reflects, the cooler the temperature. With their high albedo, snow and ice cool the atmosphere and thus stabilize their own existence. Budyko knew that this phenomenon, called the ice-albedo feedback, helps modern polar ice sheets to grow. But his climate simulations also revealed that this feedback can run out of control. When ice formed at latitudes lower than around 30 degrees north or south of the equator, the planet's albedo began to rise at a faster rate because direct sunlight was striking a larger surface area of ice per degree of latitude. The feedback became so strong in his simulation that surface temperatures plummeted and the entire planet froze over.
Budyko's simulation ignited interest in the fledgling science of climate modeling, but even he did not believe the earth could have actually experienced a runaway freeze. Almost everyone assumed that such a catastrophe would have extinguished all life, and yet signs of microscopic algae in rocks up to one billion years old closely resemble modern forms and imply a continuity of life....
Kenneth Caldeira of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and James F. Kasting of Pennsylvania State University estimated in 1992 that overcoming the runaway freeze would require roughly 350 times the present-day concentration of carbon dioxide. Assuming volcanoes of the Neoproterozoic belched out gases at the same rate as they do today, the planet would have remained locked in ice for up to tens of millions of years before enough carbon dioxide could accumulate to begin melting the sea ice. A snowball earth would be not only the most severe conceivable ice age, it would be the most prolonged....
Thick sequences of carbonate rocks are the expected consequence of the extreme greenhouse conditions unique to the transient aftermath of a snowball earth. If the earth froze over, an ultrahigh carbon dioxide atmosphere would be needed to raise temperatures to the melting point at the equator. Once melting begins, low-albedo seawater replaces high-albedo ice and the runaway freeze is reversed. The greenhouse atmosphere helps to drive surface temperatures upward to almost 50 degrees C, according to calculations made last summer by climate modeler Raymond T. Pierrehumbert of the University of Chicago.... Torrential rain would scrub some of the carbon dioxide out of the air in the form of carbonic acid, which would rapidly erode the rock debris left bare as the glaciers subsided. Chemical erosion products would quickly build up in the ocean water, leading to the precipitation of carbonate sediment that would rapidly accumulate on the seafloor and later become rock. Structures preserved in the Namibian cap carbonates indicate that they accumulated extremely rapidly, perhaps in only a few thousand years. For example, crystals of the mineral aragonite, clusters of which are as tall as a person, could precipitate only from seawater highly saturated in calcium carbonate....
Overall, the snowball earth hypothesis explains many extraordinary observations in the geologic record of the Neoproterozoic world: the carbon isotopic variations associated with the glacial deposits, the paradox of cap carbonates, the evidence for long-lived glaciers at sea level in the tropics, and the associated iron deposits. The strength of the hypothesis is that it simultaneously explains all these salient features, none of which had satisfactory independent explanations. What is more, we believe this hypothesis sheds light on the early evolution of animal life...