Hoisted from Comments: Robert Waldmann on Positive Climate Feedback Loops, Snowball Earth, and Evolution
links for 2009-12-02

Physics with Chad Orzel: Quantum Mechanics Edition

Chad Orzel wrote:

The Bohr-Einstein Debates, With Puppets: I promised to do a re-enactment of the Bohr-Einstein debates using puppets.... It took a little while, because I couldn't find any Niels Bohr puppets (maybe in Denmark?). I found an acceptable alternative, though, and put together a video of the Bohr-Einstein debates, using puppets...

In this frame, Spooky-Action-at-a-Distance conveys "news" about a measurement on Particle A to Particle B, while Albert Einstein in the form of a white Bichon Frisee looks on disapprovingly:

The Bohr-Einstein Debates, With Puppets : Uncertain Principles

I believe that this is in some way part of the publicity campaign for his How to Teach Physics to Your Dog...
