links for 2010-01-09 Cogito, Ergo Sum (I think, therefore I am): Republicans, Heritage, and the false case against fiscal stimulus (warning: long post) Mark Thoma: The Economy Continues to Lose Jobs Economics of Contempt: Krugman on Land Use Regs: Brookings vs. Wharton Measures Barbara A. Butrica, Karen E. Smith, & Eric J. Toder: Retirement Security and the Stock Market Crash: What Are the Possible Outcomes? Dani Rodrik: Making Room for China in the World Economy George Stephanopoulos: My Exclusive Interview with Treasury Secretary Geithner Paul Krugman: One health care reform, indivisible Edward L. Glaeser, Joseph Gyourko, and Albert Saiz: Housing Supply and Housing Bubbles Eric Rauchway: New Deal Denialism Matthew Green: How triple-agent outwitted CIA’s best Pat Garofalo: Kyl Blocking Treasury Nominees Because He Doesn’t Like Internet Gambling John Matson and Sean Carroll: What Keeps Time Moving Forward? Blame It on the Big Bang