John Yoo Intentionally Made Arguments Not Caring Whether They Were Wrong or False or Not
Another Showing of Yoo Intentionally Making Arguments That He Knew Were Wrong or False

I See No Method Here at All...

John Yoo:

On June 30 [2002], Yoo asked [NAME REDACTED] by email, “[D]o we know if Boo-boo [Abu Zubaydah] is allergic to certain insects?”

Berkeley Law School Dean Chris Edley:

Chris Edley: I am exceptionally sensitive to the complex, ineffable boundary between policymaking and law-declaring.... As critical as I am of [John Yoo's] analyses, no argument about what he did or didn't facilitate, or about his special obligations as an attorney, makes his conduct morally equivalent to that of his nominal clients, Secretary Rumsfeld, et al., or comparable to the conduct of interrogators distant in time, rank and place...

I think Chris Edley has some explaining to do...
