links for 2010-02-20 Spencr Ackerman: John Yoo: ‘Do We Know If Boo-Boo Is Allergic to Certain Insects?’ Matthew Yglesias: Macroeconomic Advisors Reiterates that ARRA Worked Matthew Yglesias: Tim Pawlenty and the Brie Factor Jeffrey Sachs: The Phony Attack on Climate Science Macroadvisers: MA on fiscal stimulus, the definitive answer: it works. MA refutes the demagoguery. Peter Kafka: Subscription Model Likely for Apple iPad Access to Hulu Felix Salmon: Lessons from Kevin Drum: Which Conservatives Matter? Doug Elmendorf: How Reducing Payroll Taxes Can Encourage Employment Doug Elmendorf: Policies for Increasing Economic Growth and Employment in the Short Term Doug Elmendorf: Policies for Increasing Economic Growth and Employment in 2010 and 2011 nomists to calls for cuts Jean Eaglesham and Daniel Pimlott: Riposte by 60 economists to calls for cuts Jonathan Kay: Tea Party Movement Is Full of Conspiracy Theories Bruce Bartlett: How Not To Create Jobs John Cassidy: Tea Party U.S.A.: It's Still the Economy James K. Galbraith et al. (2007): The Fed’s Real Reaction Function: Monetary Policy, Inflation, Unemployment, Inequality – and Presidential Politics Matthew Yglesias: Congressional Republicans Viewed Less Favorably Than Russia, Saudi Arabia Calculated Risk: MBA: 14.05 Percent of Mortgage Loans in Foreclosure or Delinquent in Q4 Adam Smith on Systemic Risk, ca. 1776 « A (Budding) Sociologist’s Commonplace Book Alan S. Blinder: Getting the biggest bang for job-creation bucks Paul Krugman: California Individual Health Care Market Adverse Selection Death Spiral