links for 2010-02-21 Jane Addams Ezra Klein: Selling insurance across state lines: A terrible, no good, very bad health-care idea Andrew Leonard: South Dakota's healthcare lesson: Allowing insurance providers to sell across state lines guarantees a bad result, for the consumer Ron Unz: His-Panic: Talk TV sensationalists and axe-grinding ideologues have fallen for a myth of immigrant lawlessness Jeff Goodell: Can Dr. Evil Save The World? Bruce Bartlett: Another Dumb Right-Wing Idea: Default on the Debt Maggie Maher: In Massachusetts Elite Providers Drive Health Care Spending; What Does This Say about the Dartmouth Research? Conor Friedersdorf: Update on the ACORN Story Conor Friedersdorf: The Weak Arguments Offered by Waterboarding Apologists Spencer Ackerman: It’s Like He Was al-Qaeda’s Lawyer Steve Benen: Hank Paulson on the Republican Legislators Zaid Jilani: REPORT: How Conservative And Progressive State Governments Are Dealing With Their Budget Crises VidTweeter!