links for 2010-02-28 Nicole Belle: Rep. Trent Franks Suggests That Blacks Had It Better During Slavery Smooth Like Remy: The White House Calls Out Senator Bunning Sahil Kapur: Mitt Romney’s health care hypocrisy Matthew Kahn: The Death Toll from Natural Disasters Gerald Dworkin on Caitlin Flanagan and the Atlantic Monthly's Play for the Stupidest Whatever Alive Crown Robert Waldmann on Dana Milbank on the Health Care Summit Jonathan Chait: The Right's Condescension Phobia Paul Krugman: You’re So Vain Ed Hugh" Too Soon To Cry “Victory” On Latvia? Mark Thoma: Frustrations... Andrew Samwici: Have Republicans Forgotten the Purpose of a Political Party? Matthew Yglesias: Lamar Alexander Actually Voted Against The Jobs Bill Before He Voted For It Chris Casteel: Sen. Jim Inhofe now backs jobs bill, more state highway money Robert Hall: By How Much Does GDP Rise If the Government Buys More Output? Ed Luce: Forget bipartisanship Obama: shoot for the moon John Quiggin: Invulnerable zombies: the Efficient Markets Hypothesis