Thank You Michael Capuano!!!!
As RomneyCare Moves Toward Possible Final Passage...

RomneyCare Moves Toward Possible Final Passage...

Where are Bob Dole and Howard Baker this evening?

David Dayen:

President Speaking With House Democratic Caucus: OK, the President has reached the lectern. Thanks Reid, Hoyer, Pelosi, etc. Quotes Abraham Lincoln: “I am not bound to win, but I am bound to be true. I am not bound to succeed, but I am bound to live up to the light I have.” Acknowledges difficult debate and difficult process. This body “has taken on some of the toughest votes in the history of Congress.” Stressing the importance of history over poll-watching....

Stressing the benefits of reform in 2010.... Says that GOP fearmongering will amount to nothing after reform passes.... Stresses that it’s a middle of the road bill supported by Bob Dole and Howard Baker. I’m psyched!... Again triangulates himself between single payer and deregulation of insurance market.... Says it’s the most important step taken on health care since Medicare. Vast improvement over the status quo.

“I know this is a tough vote.”... Don’t do it (pass the bill) for me, but those that are struggling.... Reading a letter from a constituent who doesn’t have health insurance and can’t get care. And another. “Do it for them.”... "Don’t do it for the Democratic Party, do it for the American people"...
