And Meg Whitman Is the Good Manager Among the Republican Candidates...
Morning Bulletin: The Group of 30 Has Lost Its Collective Mind...

Newt Gingrich Contradicts Himself in the Same Sentence

He writes:

Newt Gingrich: I recognize the horror and the evil of the Nazi regime and nothing in my new book To Save America should be interpreted as a statement of moral equivalence between totalitarian regimes and the secular-socialist left. My intent instead was to define the scale of the challenge to classic American civilization posed by secular-socialism...

So Adolf Hitler and Barack Obama both pose equal threats to classic American civilization. Glad to have that out there. But to the extent that one views the destruction of classic American civilization as a moral wrong, equal threats to it are morally equivalent.

As I've said before, repeatedly, there is no excuse for anybody to support, fund, work for, or vote for the Republican Party in its current incarnation. Its existence in its current form is a dire threat to classic American civilization--not, admittedly, a threat on anything like the same scale that Adolf Hitler was, but a threat nevertheless.

Shut it down now. We need a very different opposition party to oppose the Democrats than the one we have now.
