Can Obama Do This Job?
We Need Bigger Deficits Now!

Outside Readings for Economics 1

How do we get our undergraduates to work... not harder, so much, but better--to learn more and to learn more that is useful to them?

One thing I want to try with the 800-person zoo that is Economics 1 this fall is to get everybody in the class up on their hind legs giving short three-to-five minute presentations to their fellow students at some point during the semester. To make everything incentive compatible, the presentations should be on readings that the presenters will have read and the rest of the students will not have, and the material covered in the presentations will be on the exam...

Figure 5 minutes for each presentation and then 5 minutes for question and discussion if there are 2 presentations, 4 minutes for each presentation and then 3 minutes for question and discussion if there are 3, all to take place at the start of each section.

What I have picked up from Marty Olney's version of Econ 1 is now up on the web at

Suggestions for appropriate outside readings (i.e., short but interesting and accessible) are greatly, greatly welcome...
